Education Crisis
This newsletter is short. My health is still suffering, following on from the fracture of my wrist in the summer. Unfortunately, the injury has had various knock-on effects on other parts of my body, which I am still trying to recover from. Hopefully, will get there in the end! A shortened version of this newsletter will now be distributed 3 times a year. Meanwhile, here a few short news items.1. ‘POSTMODERN DERELICTION IN THE FACE OF NEOLIBERAL EDUCATION POLICY’ BY GLENN RIKOWKS REPUBLISHED IN HEATHWOOD PRESS WEBSITE
The Heathwood Institute & Press has re-published Glenn’s Postmodern Dereliction in the Face of Neoliberal Education Policy, as advertised previously at ‘All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski’:
The original Heathwood link is: - where you can also read some other interesting articles posted to Heathwood:
2. SCHOOL OF SUCCESS REPRODUCING SOME OF GLENN RIKOWSKI’S MATERIAL The School of Success website has reproduced some of Glenn’s articles. For more details see:
3. VANESSA'S WEBSITE - 'JUST VANESSA' A friend of mine, told me recently about her lovely artistic website ‘Just Vanessa’. Some of Vanessa’s material is also available for sale. See:
4. ELSEVIER ACQUIRED WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LTD, INCLUDING THE CHANDOS IMPRINT IN AUGUST 2013 There have been more changes afoot for Chandos Publishing, with Elsevier acquiring both Woodhead and Chandos. See:
My next newsletter will be distributed at the end of April 2014. Happy New Year. Best wishes, Ruth